Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I Got Dibs

Wow, what an eventful week in the Harmon house.  After a brief illness with the older boys all varying in symptoms.  Collin started acting a little "under the weather".  No fever or anything just fussy and not letting me out of his sight, which is flattering at the right moment but when there is dinner to get on the table its not easy to do with a screaming toddler at your heels that will only be soothed by your arms.  Resting on the couch that evening Kyle asked Cameron if there were any cute girls in his class.  Cameron then tells us he was informed at the beginning of the year that several girls had called "dibs" on him.  I don't think we had laughed that hard in a long time.  After a visit to the doctor, Collin was diagnosed with tonsillitis again, and began the road to recovery which was very short. Thank god.
Saturday we woke up, and decided spur of the moment to head to San Diego till Sunday evening.  I for one had never been to the west coast, and the thought of being on the beach again sold me.  We loaded up and with in a few hours we were looking at the Pacific Ocean.  The babies were not very fond of the the loose dry sand, but were thrilled with the moist packed sand close to the water line.  Sunday we took them to MCRD San Diego, where Kyle attended boot camp so many years ago.  This was the older boys cup of tea.  Seeing their reaction to the Drill Instructors, and a platoon of new recruits, that had not earned their boots yet was quite entertaining.
Kayla has made the decision to play Volleyball this year, but was short celebrated when she realized she had missed the sign ups.  But God provided and with a call to the coach she was given a second chance and will start practice today hopefully.
I have started prep to come home to visit during fall break.  The kids are super excited and there will be alot to do the two weeks that we are in Kansas City.  Family to see, I will also be hosting a baby shower for one of my best and oldest friends.  So lots to do.  This is what makes up the fun things in life...Right?

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